In 2020, One Health Medical Technologies received COVID-19 Medical Device Authorization from Health Canada for an in-house designed, developed and manufactured ventilator. Collaborating with the USask and SHA subject matter experts, RMD Engineering was able to successfully prototype an emergency use ventilator (EUV-SK1) for Health Canada certification.

“When COVID hit, my daughter, a Royal University Hospital ICU nurse, raised awareness of the potential impact on the healthcare system. Knowing we had the skillset, capability, and capacity in-house, we chose to do something rather than nothing and created an emergency use ventilator using reliable technology and readily available materials. When we communicated our intent, we received a high level of trust from the Saskatchewan Health Authority and the leadership of the University of Saskatchewan Colleges of Engineering and Medicine, which led to a world-class collaboration,” said Jim Boire, President of RMD Engineering Group of Companies. Read more here.

RMD and OHMT have since been recognized for this project winning the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) Exceptional Engineering /Geoscience Project Award (2024).

Learn more about the features of this ventilator: EUV-SK1 Brochure


In 2021 production began on the creation of a negative pressure ventilator to assist in the completion of a PhD project related to developing a lung biopsy tool. Utilizing the knowledge gained during development of the COVID-19 Emergency Use Ventilator, a negative pressure chamber and control system was prototyped to allow for ex vivo porcine lungs to be inflated and deflated following programmable breathing patterns. Various connections were added to the chamber to allow for bronchoscope access to the lungs as well as allow the addition of a perfusion system. The entire system was validated against the Active Servo Lung (ASL) to validate the breathing simulation.

Developed in collaboration with respirologists and veterinarians, this negative pressure chamber is perfect for use in bronchoscopy and anatomy training, as well as research applications.